We build and embed the capability to design, deliver and continuously manage and improve products that customers love


In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, traditional product development methodologies often prove to be rigid, slow to adapt, and disconnected from the dynamic needs of customers and the market

Organisations are grappling with slow time-to-market cycles, a lack of responsiveness to changing requirements, and a disconnect between development teams and end-users

This outdated approach not only hampers innovation, but also increases the risk of project failure, limits collaboration, and stifles employee engagement.


  • We strengthened CCEP’s commercial Product Management capability, creating a tailored Product Owner playbook and delivering an immersive two-day course.
  • Working with a team of Product Owners responsible for managing multi-billion-pound revenue-generating products, our targeted interventions provided a new depth of understanding of related tools and techniques, driving standardisation and alignment.

  • We used agile methods to successfully accelerate LBG's ability to identify, design and deploy a new propositions into the market, increasing the speed to market by over 50%, productivity by 45% and staff engagement by 42%.

  • We ran a Product Management academy for all the product leaders in the organisation
  • The academy included training and coaching over several months covering all aspects of the product lifecycle
  • The duration of the academy enabled the business to embed a product mindset and tools and techniques into daily practices to further improve customer value.


JCURV builds and embeds the capability to design, deliver and continuously manage and improve products that customers love:

Conducting expert assessments to understand the health of an organisation’s Product Management capability from process, skills, tooling and behaviours

Providing tailored bespoke Product Management masterclasses to develop talent and accelerate value delivery

Building capability through our Product Management Academy where a cohort is taken on a journey to transform their approach over a 6-month journey

Embedding our Product Management accelerator approach within organisations to increase the speed, efficiency and effectiveness of innovation funnel

Coaching product leaders to define value propositions, linked to customer needs, competitive in the market and aligned to their operating model.